Medical Marijuana: A summary and an opinion

The cannabis plant has a long history of being used as medicine in many cultures and there are many positive studies in which the use of cannabis as medicine. It has helped the lives of sick people, but still many countries reject the idea of cannabis has valueWhat any medical Is Medical Marijuana?: Medical Marijuana refers to the use of cannabis / marijuana as a herbal therapy and the use of synthetic THC and cannabinoids. A brief history: The first use of cannabis as medicine is difficult to locate, but in China as their opinion of his medicines for about 4,000 years of Egyptian texts, such as papyrus Ebers Papyrus Ramesseum and III, were both used by more than 1000 years BC describe medical marijuana. Other cultures also have evidence of medical marijuana from texts thousands of years old. In modern medicine was cannabis in the Western civilization from the 19th Century in the following experiments and promotion of Irish doctor, William Brooke O’Shaughnessy used. The creation of Aspirin is to be responsible for some of the decline in consumption of cannabis as medicine, together with the anti-cannabis campaign in the first half of the 20th Century, with films such as Reefer Madness was in the medical cannabis, a drug that makes you as crazy. More recently, few countries recognize cannabis as a medicine and there are some pharmaceutical companies look at the many compounds in the plant for medicinal purposes. Where: Many countries class cannabis as a medicine under no value, Medical Marijuana is only available in either vegetable or synthetic form in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Finland, Israel, Spain, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom and in 13 states of the USA. The laws differ in every country with medical marijuana and access may be difficult. You need a doctor’s recommendation, so that your doctor is the best man on when you’re somewhere where medical use of cannabis could be available for you to live. The situation in the U.S., with the 13 states, state laws adopted complicated, but medical marijuana is not recognized by federal law. This means, patients, and use medical marijuana legally under state law to grow still in fear of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) Raiding live and possibly arrest. As I said before, there is hope that is a thing among the new president, but only time will tellus: cannabis as medicine has been used for years for pain relief and is considered particularly good for the relief of neuropathic pain (pain change by nerve damage) . Cannabis also helps with nausea, spasticity, glaucoma, and movement disorders, cannabis is also a powerful appetite stimulant and is especially good for patients with HIV and other diseases that reduce your appetite. Some recent research can be found cannabis properties of the body against certain types of malignant tumors, protect and neuroprotective. There are many other uses for cannabis medically, and no doubt further research will show more advantages of the system. Future: It should be easy to say that the future of cannabis as medicine is bright, but with most countries around the world to reject the notion that cannabis has no medical value makes it much more difficult, progress has begun. I hope that soon more countries and all U.S. states, access to medical cannabis to have. The awareness must be spread over the medical use of cannabis, there are more people who could benefit from the system. The use of cannabis as medicine is nothing new and the fact that some pharmaceutical companies closely with a view of the plant and some of its compounds does not surprise me. Since they can not patent a plant those that will be in money from the investment to make a synthetic version that they appear to have millions of. It would be easier and better for patients to grow their own medicine only but then how would the drug companies make money then? People could argue that smoking is not your medicine a healthy way of taking medication, but with the vaporizer on the market for healthy breathing and the fact you can edible goodies or drinkable form of cannabis or cannabis hemp oil then need not be smoked. The difference between recreational use and medical use of cannabis must be recognized by more people. While I do that a responsible adult should have the right to use cannabis have a party drug believe, I think that there is no doubt allow a sick person uses a plant with a long history of medicinal value should be acceptable and legal. What could be than just the munchies by a recreational user for some medical users are not the difference between a meal or not. Cannabis has great potential as a medicine and requires more awareness and acceptance. Find out and spread the word